Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Sweet Josie

Josie was in school today doing an assessment with one of her teachers. I say one, because there are four in her class. Anyways, they were in the hallway right outside the music room. The teacher had to run back into the classroom to grab something. Josie said while she waited she heard the music teacher playing "You are my sunshine". This is a song I have sang to Josie since she was a little baby. I remember singing it to her on maternity leave and just about any snuggle since. As the song played Josie said she whispered, "I love you mom". Sometimes she doesn't share a lot with me on what went on at school. I was delighted to hear this little moment. I could squeeze her I love her so much.

Immediately after the above, she saw I got some Valentine's cookie mix from the store. She asked me if we could make them for some people who need food. Seriously?! How'd I get so lucky.

Lastly, we've decided to do a monthly service project with the kids. The Giving Thanks Project during November was such a hit with the kids, it made me realize we should do it more often. In January we went through our toys and clothes and donated them to the Junior League's Bargain Basket. For February we spent last weekend making Valentine's for kids with cancer. Specifically the Children's Cancer Connection. Josie had a blast. The boys stopped after two cards. Josie wouldn't eat dinner till we made all 25. I am looking forward to doing more giving with the kids this year! Stay tuned... and if you have a suggestion on what we should do next, let me know!

Josie making Valentine cards for kids in the hospital. 


Anonymous said...

1. Josie is the absolute sweetest!!! tear! And 2. You're such an inspiration -- love the monthly idea!

Anonymous said...

I love this girl....her folks are pretty cool too. :-)