Friday, January 20, 2012

4 1/2 years old

I love Fridays. On Fridays Jill takes Josie and picks Josie up for preschool. The boys don't have preschool, so we've been making them PJ days. Not having to get two kids ready plus myself, Friday mornings run pretty smooth. We had some extra time this morning before Josie needed to go. We decided to practice handwriting. Below are Josie's alphabet, numbers, and self portrait done today.

It's hard to believe that Josie is already 4 1/2. Every day I am impressed with my Josie girl. She is always there to help me when I'm juggling two boys on my hips.
When the boys first wake up they just want to be held. So whether it is grabbing a kleenex or more books for us to read, Josie is my helper. They seem like little things, but to this mama it's not just the task at hand, it's her attitude about it. Everything I ask her to do is greeted with a "Ok Mom! No problem mom! I can do it mom!" I'm sure during the teenage years I won't be greeted the same way....

This afternoon I needed to change Will's diaper. We were already behind schedule for nap, so I gave Josie a book for the boys nap time story and asked her to start reading while I helped Will. While it was mostly from memory versus reading, she was so excited to be my big helper. Afterwards she asked if she can read brother's bed time story tonight too.

Josie' reading to her brothers this afternoon.

Josie's alphabet!
The 5 is backwards, but pretty good!

Josie's self portrait. I like her tiny little nose and belly button the best. She told me she is wearing earrings in her drawing :)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Kid Convos

I love carpooling to preschool. I like starting conversations with Lane and Josie or listening to the two of them hold a conversation without be contributing at all.

On Monday these are the conversations I heard between Josie and Lane while waiting in the drop off line:
J: I've decided I really want to marry Lucy.
L: She's mean to me, she might be mean to you.
J: No not your sister Lucy, I want to marry Lucy in our class. I think she'll make a good wife.
L: Hey I thought you wanted to marry me?! (this is a known fact. Josie will often tell Lane she is going to marry him)
J: Do you want me to marry you? (she was looking him square in the eyes. Typical girl trying to get the boy to open up)
L: Well I thought you were going to marry me. (typical boy, not willing to admit his feelings)
J: Well I changed my mind. (I could see her just saying, fine if you won't fess up that you like me, I'm moving on. oh the preschool drama).

Convo two: (two seconds later)
J: I'm smarter than the world! (I need to work on her self-esteem)
L: No, my dad is super smart.
J: Let's compromise. I'm smarter than the world...but your dad is smarter than me.

Convo three: (really it's a statement)
J: I can't wait to grow up! When I grow up, I'm gonna be famous! (again, self esteem issue)

Josie on her scooter from Santa...yes this January has been that warm (until tonight).

After her last Basketball game, so proud of that ribbon! She slept with it under her pillow for awhile.