Friday, February 29, 2008

St. Patty's Day Prep

Today Josie and I had a rehearsal for St. Patty's Day. We decided I'll stick with the glasses and she can have the shamrock headband as her head isn't quite big enough for the glasses. You would never know that Josie has a double ear infection and a skin infection, she is such a happy girl.

Fairy Tale Day

Yesterday was fairy tale day at Josie's school. Josie was the only one in her classroom that decided to dress up. I guess all the other babies thought they were too little to participate. Kids, parents, and teachers all stopped by the infant room to check out the cutest littlest princess in the fairy tale land...also known as Appletree Daycare.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Better late than never :) Josie remembered to send her Valentine's to her little friends but mom forgot to post her blog! Yikes. Valentine's Day was a double whammy celebration for Josie as it was her 1st Valentine's Day and 1st birthday celebration with Daddy. And boy (or should I say girl) did we celebrate! We did presents here in Des Moines then went to Omaha to for the weekend. Only the weather was bad and so we got to stay an extra day in Omaha to keep on partying!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Feeding Frenzy Feeding Frenzy!

Oh how we love the Josie. Nothing is boring when she is around, our little entertainer. Two things she recently started doing lately...

1. Josie enjoys kicking her leg up while she lounges in her high chair. Perhaps she is trying to be a lady, crossing her legs in all. Either way she puts her Dad's determined face on and enjoys her food as much as her mom does.

2. The second thing that Josie is big into doing right now is showing off her independent side. She keeps trying to feed herself! Which is very funny to watch as the food goes everywhere but her mouth. OK maybe some gets in there, but as you can tell more gets smothered on her face and clothes. Sort of like a facial, but less expensive!