Sunday, February 3, 2013

School Update

Josie is doing great in 1/2 day kindergarten. It's crazy to think that the year is more than half over! She turns in a Book-It calendar every month. This means we read to her more than 15 minutes a day. She still goes to bed with a pile of books next to her. Currently they are learning about the moon and outer space. Josie comes home with interesting facts for us. They just had their 100 day party. Each kid had to bring in 100 of something. Josie made 100 finger prints in different colors that looked like leaves falling from a tree. She has a great vocabulary for a 5 1/2 year old. We are often impressed by the words and phrases she says. There are a few words that Josie doesn't say as well. I think this is my little reminder that she is still my little girl. For example, instead of saying "finally" Josie says "Fine-it-ly".  Josie also says "mine-zz" instead of "mine". Lastly, instead of saying "inappropriate" she says "in-re-appropriate". The thing that continues to stick with Josie is caring for others. She loves her brothers. She loves to take care of people and make them special. Keep it up Jos! Love you baby girl. 

Homework time!

Not really school related, but it makes me giggle when she gets more words correct than I do while doing Beatles Rock Band and she doesn't read the words yet...

Thanksgiving feast at school

Class picture with Pilgrim hats

Making snowmen on sleds

Josie, Will, and I at her Winter Party

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