Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring Break 2011

At the park, doing her cool pose.

Science Center rocket launcher 3...2...1... blast off!

Josie was on Spring Break last week. (Yes, preschoolers have spring break!) The break started with an excellent parent teacher conference with her teachers. (Yes, preschoolers have conferences too!) I literally felt my face turn red as her teachers went over all the great things she is doing. It was cool to see pictures from the beginning of the school year and now. I was in awe by how much she has changed over the past few months. They also shared her handwriting samples from September and current. Josie has really grown up a lot this year!

Besides conferences, we also....
-Went to the zoo for the first time this year.
-Walked to the park 3 times!
-Played on our swing set.
-Per Josie's request, we had to have a pajama day!
-Made lots of arts and crafts - shaving cream art, shamrock cut outs, play-doh x 3
-Entertained mom's friends with her amazing magic!
-Ventured over to the Science Center for our weekly dose of Sunday fun.

All in all it was a fun break. I'm happy to get back to our normal routine. Josie starts dance and drums this week...stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

Not surprised at all by Josie's superb conference. Just love her spunk and personality!!! (I need to get some squeezes soon!) -nikki

DandCraig said...

I love that preschoolers get spring break! Go Josie!

MMRK said...

I smile the biggest smile when I think of Josie doing her magic. It was the cutest thing I have ever seen!