Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I'm Allergic?!

Because Josie's brothers have allergies, it's something we talk about often. Josie often is an advocate for her brothers and makes sure foods don't have nuts before they eat something from someone at playgroups or music class.

Josie was bragging the other day. She asked her Uncle Jay (on dad's many kids have 2 uncle Jays?!) "Do you know what I am allergic to?! NOTHING!" Jay told her she is allergic to something...bad boys. Josie kept asking him about this new allergy.

Fast forward 3 days, we are at Target doing some turbo shopping trying to get things checked off our list. Josie says, "Mom, did you know I am allergic to bad guys? I guess I can't be a police officer when I grow up because I won't be able to catch them..."

I look forward to reminding her of this allergy when she is asked out on a date by a bad boy. Thanks Uncle Jay!


Mindy said...

Love her! xoxo Mindy

Quinn's Mom said...

hahaha! A big ol' Laugh Out Loud on that one. Who doesn't love that Josie Bemis?!