Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A week with the Jos...

It's Tuesday and I've already got a running list of Josie sayings. Here goes...
  • Sunday she informed me that she has been promoted to my chief of staff. When I asked where she learned that she said "you remember the Ariel book from the library we returned last week? Sebastian was the chief of staff!" (Duh mom).
  • Yesterday after we left the zoo she said she couldn't decide if she wanted to be a zoo keeper or a super hero. I told her Superman is a news reporter and a super hero. I am a wife and a mom. To which she instantly said "Yeah! I'm a sister and a preschooler." You got it Jos. Ten minutes later I mentioned how her last day of school is Thursday. She told me, "Mom I don't have time to go to school anymore. Now that I am a super hero, zoo keeper, and news reporter!" (she was completely exasperated with me)
  • Tonight when we were watching DWTS she said, "I'm a really, really good big sister because when I was little I practiced being a good big sister. So that's what I need to do to be a good dancer. I need to practice. It's a big responsibility but I can do it!"
  • When the boys were crabby before bed, Josie belted out Joy to the World by Three Dog Night while pretending to snap her fingers. It sounded a lot like this...

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