Thursday, April 28, 2011

Big Sister Josie

Just like any older sibling, Josie can loose her cool with her two little brothers. Sometimes I don't blame her. Whatever she is doing they want to do. Whatever she is wearing (especially Ben) her brothers want to wear. (note to self to find Cars Pajamas for brothers). Even the plate she eats off of is the preferred plate at dinner. It can be enough to make any almost 4 year old frustrated.

But for the most part, Josie does an amazing job sharing toys, books and...her lap. The latest and greatest thing the boys are wanting is lap space. Will and Ben are snuggle boys. They wake up and say snuggle. They get hurt we snuggle. Snuggling is our solution to just about everything.

This week the boys have moved from snuggling mom and dad to snuggling Josie. They back into her lap. It's pretty cute. It gets tricky though when both want to snuggle with big sister at the same time.

As you can see by the pictures, yesterday after nap Ben (in yellow) wanted to read a book with Josie. Will thought it was a great idea and tempted to back into her lap too. Her arms weren't long enough to hold the book around them both so she is squeezing the book close to her. Two boys in that close of proximity is bound to turn into a wrestling match. But check out their big sister... Yup, as they wrestle she just keeps reading. What a great kid!

Josie's drawing of Dad

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That picture with the book and the boys KILLS me!! Heart that Jose! -nik