Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Time Flies...

When you are having fun (and when you are a parent of three!). OK so a new year's resolution, which is sort of late since it is April now, is that I plan to post more on here. Maybe not daily, maybe not weekly, but the boys blog and Josie's blog will get updated MONTHLY. Yes. Monthly. I can commit to that.

Lots of things have happened since I was on here last. For starters, I went back to work then I quit work. Which is why I now can make the monthly commitment above. But this isn't about me. It's about Josie!

So here are some bullet points of what is going on with Josie.
-She has a new wave. She waves to cars as they go by almost like she is giving them a stop sign, but shakes it a little and gives them a funny look with it. It's awesome.
-When I carry Josie down the stairs she does this pat pat on my back that warms me from head to toe.
-When she does the pat pat above, I tell her she melts me. She then responds with a "you melt me too, mom."
-Josie still LOVES her brothers, but now that they are crawling she doesn't love them in her stuff.
-She loves Toy Story, Cars, Cinderella, Justin Roberts, and a new found love of gum.
-She is still daddy's little girl. When he walks in the room, Josie beams. And he beams right back.

Here is a family photo from Easter. Just look at our little lady!

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