Thursday, April 22, 2010


Josie is so entertaining. She says things that make me burst out laughing. For instance, when she is being grouchy she says, "Mom, I'm having a rough day at the office". Or when she tells a joke she says "ba-bom-bom-ching!" She'll give you a giant hug and as she is squeezing you she says "Hugs not drugs." She looks at hand-me-downs from Maeve and tries each one on as she says "oh adorable!"

If she wants to join in on the conversation she will say, "What are you talking about. Oh I want to talk to." Daddy says Mommy now has someone to share air space with...

When Mindy asked her to be a flower girl, I said I was so excited I could cry. She jumped into the conversation and said, "I want to be your flower girl, I'm so sad I could cry!" So somethings get lost in translation. I mean, who cries unless they are sad, right?! She is my little shadow and I am her biggest fan.

Here is a video from when we helped Mindy try on wedding dresses.

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