Thursday, March 21, 2013

Sports Fun!

This was Josie's third year playing basketball. She still swears it's her favorite sport. She gets into the games and seems to enjoy it. This year she got to experience basketball with her brothers on her team. Like swimming, we are fortunate enough that they can all participate together. It makes having 3 kids in a two year timeframe pay off! While the boys loved being old enough to participate with Josie versus watch, they were a bit of a distraction to her. Josie is a rule follower. Ben and Will wanted to run over to me every couple of minutes which wasn't exactly part of the rules. I couldn't get mad at them because each time they came over it was to tell me they love me.... I tend to think it's ok to ignore the rules if it means you are giving the mama some love. This worked Josie up. "Brothers, focus!" was something I heard a couple of times. Which only made me laugh.

The other sport the kids are getting to experience together is tennis. Their coach is Dad. That is pretty cool to them. They are really enjoying it. Well, more so Josie and Will. Ben seems to do well when he tries, but he is more into... well anything else. Josie loves running the lines to warm up, retrieving the balls when it's not her turn, and really loves hitting the ball.

Ben, Will, and Josie getting their ribbons on the last day of basketball. 

Air Josie

Will, Josie, and Ben... Ben didn't get the memo about making a bulldog face. 

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