Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Officially Four...Babe, Bike, and Bed

Josie is officially four. And while I am willing to accept that she is four, I can't believe we had her four years ago. It feels like yesterday we brought home our beautiful little babe.

We did our usual birthday routine. Josie woke up to a room filled with balloons. She was so excited when she saw all the balloons she ran downstairs before waking us up (it was 5:45am!). In the living room she found her spiderman bike. When we realized she was already downstairs we raced down to see her already on her new bike. She said, "Look what Santa brought me!!!" To which we informed her it was from us.

Josie got to pick our breakfast spot before Dad went to work and the menu for dinner (pineapple brats and corn on the cob). Her final birthday present came yesterday... a big kid bed. She's been ready for it for awhile, but I wasn't.

I tell her all the time I don't want her to grow up, I just want her to be my baby forever. To which she always replies in the sweetest voice "Mom, I gotta get bigger, but I'll always be your baby."

1 comment:

Quinn's Mom said...

I'm not supposed to cry reading your blog! I love you Jocelyn Marie you sweetie-pie!!