Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Summer Fun!

This has been a great summer. Between morning walks, time at the pool, or just hanging out on our new swing set we are taking full advantage of the sunshine.

We started doing walks before the brother's morning nap. It's a great way to start the day. Either Josie will walk along with me or I'll put one of the brothers on my back and she'll jump in the stroller. This particular morning Josie decided she needed to wear her winter boots. The ones with the wool lining. It was one of those mornings where you pick your battles, so Josie wore the boots. And as she sash-shade in front of me I beamed. Josie will always have an opinion on life as she waltzes through it. And for that at times I am sure I'll be frustrated, because I may not agree. But overall it makes me proud that we are raising such an opinionated little lady.

The picture of Josie poising by the swimming pool was right before one of her lessons this summer. Josie was an excellent student for the two weeks of swimming classes. She was almost too good. The kids that were a little rowdy ended up getting more of the teacher's attention. So there were times that she would get one turn and the other kids got two. But she didn't mind. She knew she was listening to instructions and obeying the rules. She would sit on the side of the pool smile big and wave to us as she waiting her turn. It's moments like that that make me beam. I also got a kick out of her little penguin waddle, starfish walk, and alligator crawl.

We moved the "big kid swing" to the middle of the swing set in hopes of ensuring we don't have another black eye incident. So far so good! She can pump her legs really good now. She will forewarn the airplanes in the sky, "Look out, here I come!"

Needless to say, Josie makes summer extra fun!

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