Sunday, April 5, 2009

I went on the POTTY!!!

That's right boys in girls our daughter went on the big potty today for the first time! She is a week away from her 22nd month birthday. She loves to take off her diaper. When we need to change it she pulls down her pants for us. We started putting her on the potty before bath since she thinks it's cool. We didn't think much of it. Today she pulled off her diaper before we got her dressed (by the way Billy is still trying to get her dressed) and she squatted on the floor, so we said let's go sit on the potty. She ran to the bathroom, we put her on and sure enough she started going!!! I don't know who was more excited in that bathroom. We are still going to let her try before bath or whenever she has interest, but probably won't start really training till after she is 2 years old. Just imagine, maybe we won't have 3 in diapers for very long!

The picture was taken right after Josie went potty and we were all clapping for our big girl!

Josie is also into mommy's new car... a mini van! We had to get it to fit 3 car seats into one vehicle! She likes to just go hang out in there even when we aren't going anywhere. To ride in mom's car is a least for now.

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