Friday, June 13, 2008

It's MY Party!

We have a 1 year old in the HOUSE! Josie turned 1 on June 8th, 2008. Where did the last year go?! Here is what Josie is into right now:
Loves sleeping with a blanket (that's what 1 year olds do!)
Enjoys waving Hello and Bye-Bye
Continues to be a book worm, she enjoys being read to and "reading" on her own
Anything we eat Josie wants to eat
She knows a few sign language signs, "all done" is her favorite
She loves to walk around the house if you hold her hands (she is FAST too!) and
Stairs have become her new best friend

1 comment:

Nate1431 said...

WOW....I agree, where did that year go?!?! Looks like Josie had a birthday full of monkey business!