Saturday, March 29, 2008

Picture it... March 19th, 2008

This was a big day in the Bemis household for our dear Joslyn Marie. For this is the day that she learned how to crawl (forward, she mastered backwards months ago!) Plus her shoes, that are size 0-6months also finally fit this week. Yes, she is 9 months old, yes she has tiny piggies.

The first time Josie crawled forward was to Daddy. He picked her up from school and she was so excited to see him she moved forward. And since then she has been moving and grooving. She now crawls pretty darn fast. You see her little eyes catch something and then she is off! Josie started hopping today like a bunny. She gets so hyper she starts hopping. Sometimes she hops so big that she looses her balance and falls backwards. This results in a big belly laughter from all in the room.

1 comment:

Quinn's Mom said...

Hooray for the cutie pie crawler! Can't wait to see her skilz!