Saturday, November 17, 2007

The Windy City

Josie had her first "vacation" the last weekend of October. Josie was on the road back to Omaha at the mere age of 5 days old and she has been back to Omaha countless times since. Therefore, Omaha has become her second home. So our first bonafide road trip was to Chicago in honor of Uncle Danny's birthday. Plus, Josie was dying to see the place her big cousin Maeve calls home. So we headed east Friday morning and returned home Sunday afternoon.

Our trip was filled of lots of football watching, a trip to the zoo, and lots of least for the adults! I don't think Josie's intake increased much across the border.

Josie was such a trooper in the car. Due to traffic we were on the road for 7 hours Sunday. She either slept or babbled and played with her crab rattle. (The crab rattle seems to be her favorite toy right now...thank you Matt, Maria, and Lucas!)

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