Saturday, October 6, 2007

Thumbs up

Move over mom and dad, move over binky, there's a new friend in town! Josie officially found her thumbs.

Josie is growing before our eyes. She will be 4 months in two days. She is rolling on her sides and wiggling all around. We will lay her one way and she will be in a completely different position right away. She drools so much she is like a leaky faucet. We can see a little whiteness in the back of here mouth which is her 1st tooth making its way in.

And what a chatter box! Mom and Josie are fighting for air time at home. If Billy isn't paying enough attention to Josie due to a football game on t.v., Josie will let him know (I will too). She starts yelling "Hey" and gets louder and louder until he looks her way.

1 comment:

Quinn's Mom said...

I love it! She is so darn cute!