Monday, July 23, 2007

One Tough Cookie

Since day one Josie has liked to pose with her "guns" flexed and ready to take on any whimpy baby that may cross her path. Yup, she came out of the womb swinging at all the nurses and doctors. That being said, we thought it was time to name her biceps. After much debate and many names thrown out there (Tom & Jerry, Itchy & Scratchy, Touchdown & Jesus), we have decided to name them Mickey and Minnie.

We put on her jogging suit yesterday and she had some practice time. With a little more coaching and packing on the pounds I think she'll be ready for the ring really soon. I can hear the announcer now..."In this corner, weighing nearly 9lbs, Josie the Mighty Mouse Bemis! With her guns of steal, Mickey and Minnie, look out babies there is a new champ in town."

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